Saturday, 21 February 2015

Where did all my money go?

"Your money can be gone in a flash, as if it had grown wings and flown away like an eagle"-Prov.23:5

Have you ever made it to the end of the month and wondered, "Where did all my money go?". Ignorance of your financial condition plus easy credit equals disaster. You've heard that phrase, "Money Talks". It does not. It's just walks away quietly and it doesn't tell you where it's going. If you don't know where your money is going, it's going to fly away like an eagle. And you don't have anybody to blame but yourself. So you have to keep good records so you know where your money is going. Tracking your daily expenses and writing it down in the slightest details helps you track your spending habits, thus improves your finances. Here are the four things you need to keep good records of: what you own(asset), what you owe (liabilities), what you earn (income), and where it's going(needs or wants). Buy only what you need and not what you wished to have.  There are several ways to budget and you need to figure out which one is best for you. Your money is your responsibility. Plan carefully and you have plenty. Because not having a financial plan is a plan--just a really bad one. 
Be financially wise.

The Wise Financial Mindset

"I don’t have enough money.
I don’t have enough time.
I don’t have enough blah, blah, blah.
Sound familiar?"

The idea of “not enough” plagues us all.  Whether it’s that we’re not skinny enough, smart enough, rich enough, talented enough, etc., if we don’t remain present and aware, it’s so easy to fall into that mindset. And when it comes to our money and feeling like we are living a financially fulfilled life, watching our thoughts about “enoughness” is key.  Whether you are rich or poor, choosing to feel abundance in your financial life is an inside-out job.  I’ve seen lots of people with lots of money still feel it’s not enough. The truth is, it doesn’t matter how much you have.  People with tons of money sometimes feel the “not enough” complex the most. That’s because the mentality of not having enough is one that’s been around long before we got here, and will continue even when we’re gone. Look at the effect money has on the way we view ourselves. To some degree, our self worth and security tends to rise and fall with our income. And regardless on how we reason on it intellectually, the truth is, we all have an emotional connection with money because we always feel better when finances are not an issue. Money is a never ending issue in every aspect of our lives.
Here are some wise financial mindset that get us through tough financial times and help us prosper in the future.
  1. If you yearn to earn, you need to yearn to learn. "Knowledge that forever reigns, never withers", thus investing in knowledge pays the best interest. As Proverbs 23:23 says, "Truth, wisdom, learning and good sense--they are all worth paying for, but too valuable for you to sell".
  2. Save for a goal. Don't simply save for the sake of saving. Having goal  gives you more focus and motivation to save.
  3. Keep track of your finances. If you want to be financially strong, you need to start writing down what you spend until you know where it's all going.
  4. Don't spend more than you have. Learn to make big sacrifices at the start, in order to reap greater rewards. 
  5. Count your blessings.All you need is to count your life’s blessings. A mindset of gratitude gives people the patience to handle money better. Practicing gratitude is a powerful way to increase your happiness and decrease temptations. Gratitude makes us feel less selfish, which gives us more patience.
  6. Don't expect money to solve all your problems. Money is not a path to happiness or fulfillment or improve your relationships. Always remember that money only solves financial problems.
  7. Let go of limiting financial beliefs. A belief such as, "money is the root of all evil" will only block your prosperity. There is no shame in a modest lifestyle, but there is also nothing noble about lacking money.
  8. Stay away from negative people–surround yourself with people who choose the happiness and abundance mentality, too.
  Being wise in financial aspects is the key to personal financial independence.  Growth is painful and so change is, but action is the fundamental key of success.